Some representative recent publications:
The episodic encoding of spoken words in Hindi
William Clapp & Meghan Sumner (2024)
JASA Express Letters, 4(3), 035202
William Clapp & Meghan Sumner (2024)
JASA Express Letters, 4(3), 035202

Talker-specificity and token-specificity in recognition memory
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, Simon Todd, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
Cognition, 237, 105450
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, Simon Todd, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
Cognition, 237, 105450

The episodic encoding of talker voice attributes across diverse voices
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
Journal of Memory and Language, 128, 104376
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
Journal of Memory and Language, 128, 104376

Presentations and posters:
Attention and Talker-Specificity in the Memory Encoding of Spoken Sentences
William Clapp & Meghan Sumner (2025)
LSA, Philadelphia, PA
William Clapp & Meghan Sumner (2025)
LSA, Philadelphia, PA
Talker-Specificity Effects Across and Within Social Categories
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2024)
LabPhon 19, Seoul, South Korea
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2024)
LabPhon 19, Seoul, South Korea
The Socially-Guided Memory Encoding of Spoken Language
William Clapp (2024)
Berkeley Phonetics, Phonology, and Psycholinguistics Forum (Phorum), Berkeley, CA
William Clapp (2024)
Berkeley Phonetics, Phonology, and Psycholinguistics Forum (Phorum), Berkeley, CA
Sublexical ARTifacts: Bottom-Up Interference in a Lexical Category Search
William Clapp, Nora Dee, & Meghan Sumner (2024)
California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (CAMP6), Stanford, CA
William Clapp, Nora Dee, & Meghan Sumner (2024)
California Meeting on Psycholinguistics (CAMP6), Stanford, CA
Group- and individual-level asymmetries for Hindi and English talkers in the continuous recognition paradigm
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
Psychonomics 64, San Francisco, CA
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
Psychonomics 64, San Francisco, CA
Within-group talker variation and memory asymmetries
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
NWAV 51, New York, NY
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
NWAV 51, New York, NY
Different Speech Styles Promote Different Processing Strategies: Eye-Tracking Evidence
William Clapp, SK Kim, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
LSA 97, Denver, CO
William Clapp, SK Kim, & Meghan Sumner (2023)
LSA 97, Denver, CO
Same-Talker Benefit? Revisiting Talker-Specificity in Episodic Encoding Across Diverse
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2022)
Psychonomics 63, Boston, MA
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, & Meghan Sumner (2022)
Psychonomics 63, Boston, MA
Talker specificity vs. token specificity in recognition memory
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, Simon Todd, & Meghan Sumner (2022)
LabPhon 18, Online
William Clapp, Charlotte Vaughn, Simon Todd, & Meghan Sumner (2022)
LabPhon 18, Online
Intra-Latinx Variation in the Prosodic Rhythm of English in California: The Influences of Dialect Contact and Language Ideology
William Clapp, Lily Clifford, Evelyn Fernandez-Lizarraga, & Robert Podesva (2022)
Georgetown University Round Table, Online
William Clapp, Lily Clifford, Evelyn Fernandez-Lizarraga, & Robert Podesva (2022)
Georgetown University Round Table, Online